18 Feb 2018

From Seed to Seed

Hello there, good neighbors!

I would like to share with you the journey of my beans from seed to seed.

My bean plant started as a seed, but before it was received by the good earth, many things were first done. I prepared the place where it is to be planted on the garden beds. I made the soil nice and fluffy so that the seed can be planted firmly in the ground. If the ground is too hard, the seed will have trouble germinating and may end up rotting. If the soil is cultivated too much, the beneficial organisms will die. The soil will have to be just right so that a good germination is achieved while maintaining the beneficial organisms happy. It is similar to our lives. Before receiving anything in life, no matter how we desire it, if we are not ready to receive it, then it will not arrive. Should it arrive prematurely, surely, we will be faced with many suffering and we will inevitably lose it or them. Many also expect to only receive without even making the effort and discipline to prepare themselves. So, just do it right, not too much, not too less.

After germinating, I watched out for the birds and other animals aiming for the sprouting beans. The beans are very succulent and sweet at this stage and the animals love them. So, if you have some spare seeds, sow for the ants, for the crows, for the pigeons, and for you. Sharing is the key. If you have less to share then simply find a way for them to look on other plants. I planted some sunflowers around the area and that seemed to work just fine in attracting the birds.

During its growth, I made sure that the weeds are kept at bay, making sure that they do not overpower the beans. All the soil preparation we have done may lead to a waste if we allow the weeds to overgrow. We don't have to remove everything and leave the soil bare and seem lifeless. We just have to make sure that the beans are having a sufficient lead against the weeds. Similar to our lives, once we have received the blessing in our lives, it is essential to be disciplined and guard ourselves from anything that may lead us astray. I have an example in a life situation. Many of us desire of a partner in our lives and during the early stages of our relationship, we are passionate with our feelings, just like a sprouting bean. But as time passes by, if we are not careful, we look away, and take that person for granted, and soon enough, the bird will take them away. It is also the same when we want to change something within us. In the beginning, we are passionate and dedicated to the change we want to do, but as time progresses, we allow temptations to choke us out and soon, the beans will be overpowered by the weeds. The weeds are not specifically bad, but it is us who allow these to grow out of control. The weeds are there to remind us of what we want to see growing in the garden. Do you want to grow the beans or the weeds? For me, it was as clear as a bright sunny day in summer. I wanted to grow the beans so I disciplined myself in trying to control the weeds.

We can control many things in our life, but climate is not one of them. When it rains, it rains. When the wind blows, it blows hard. During rainy days, I am thankful that the rain is wetting the soil. I know I have prepared my garden well so I am not afraid of the garden being flooded with water. When the wind blows, I know the beans will not break or bend because I know I planted and took care of them well and trust that they can take that much wind. Similar to our life, if we have prepared the garden of our minds well, then when the rains come, we know that it is for our own growth and we, in fact, should be happy. When the winds challenge us, we have to trust that the efforts we have done to tend our ownselves will prove their strength and will not bend our faith. 

Time passed by and the beans flowered, bees visited, and the harvest time arrived. 
Oh, how glorious it felt when I was harvesting the beans! All those hardwork, finally paid off! When I planted them, I did not imagine reaching up to harvesting the beans. I simply focused on taking care of them, and before I knew it, I was removing the beans from the pods and drying them. Similar to our lives, when we want to be a good person, or have any goals, if we continue focusing on the end goal, one way or another, we may end up tiring ourselves out and giving in. I personally believe that focusing on what is in front of you, while making sure you are rooted on a firm ground, will lead you to where you should be. Keep your faith strong, your discipline firm, and your practice constant. One day you will be amazed where you are without even noticing it.

The miraculous thing about planting beans or any other plant in fact, is that from one seed, if taken care of properly, will produce hundreds or even thousandfold more seeds! If we focus on tending on the improvement of ourselves for the better, one day, we will see that the effect of our efforts will reach great distances! What is amazing is that we may not even be aware of the scale of what we are doing. From one small seed, hundred more seeds emerged and spread to greater area. This is the miracle of Life, the miracle of Creations. When you planted something that is Truly Good, and surrounded it with Love, it can only give birth to something even Better, Greater, and More!

From seed to seed, we connect our lives and our fates. It is definitely a long way, but look at this bean! It started as a seed, now it begins as a seed again. As with our Good intentions and deeds, it will someday return as Good and will repeat the circle for eternity.

These are some of the varieties of beans I planted, aren't they pretty?