Have you ever written a love letter to someone? Have you ever received a love letter from someone? I have received and written one before and I felt very happy that I can think and write slowly what I really feel. It helped me express my feelings calmly and not get lost in the moment. The thought that the person who wrote the letter for me spent time and effort to express something to me is very heartwarming so I also spend time to properly reply.
Today, because of easy communication through texting and e-mails, writing a letter has been quite rare. We prefer to communicate faster and easier and most often through that convenience, something is lost. The depth of the words, the effort in each letter are lost along the way and even though communicating has become very quick and convenient, we forget to relate wholeheartedly. In the face of convenience, effort is lost, feelings are diluted, meaning is blurred.
Recently, I have almost been lost in the convenience of electronic communication so I stopped for a while to write something...a love letter. This letter is not just for anyone, this letter was for me.
This is how it went.
Dear Toshi,
I hope this message reaches you in light and loving spirits! Recently you have been very busy with your preparation for winter. You have been focusing outwardly to other people. I see you are disturbed and your heart is wavering. Why are you anxious? Why do you fear?
Please stop for a while and feel that I love you. I love you with all I am. You are loved. It is alright.
Everything that shall come to pass will pass. You are on the right path. Trust the signs and move accordingly. Embrace your fears and anxiety.
Love everyone and everything! Even your fears and mistakes. Love them. Without these, you are not who you are.
All is well. All is well.
Listen to your heart, tell it that fear is just a feeling out of lack of trust to the path. Trust me, trust your path, trust the signs.
You may sometimes get hurt, tired, stressed, and frustrated to things going that are unplanned, but, trust me, these are planned. Planned by who? By us of course! We have already created images of a bright future and all we are waiting for is for these to physically manifest. Trust these images!
If you sometimes feel tired and lost, just stop and breath. Notice that I am here. Know that you are loved and you can love people, plants, animals, and minerals.
With all the Love in this world,
This is how the letter went. As I was writing this letter, I felt very happy and calm. I was filled with love not from anyone else but from within me! This is one way to learn how to love oneself! This helps us realize how much love is already present within us. After writing a love letter to yourself, and after feeling you have lots of love within you, share it to someone else! Write a love letter to your friend, loved ones, or even your enemies! It doesn't need to be a romantic one. It can be a love letter of gratitude, forgiveness, presence, or understanding.
Spend time to write, express, and share your feelings. I know it is easier and faster to send via email or text but writing and giving your full presence as you write will surely make your feelings reach that person. It does not matter whether they reply or not. The important thing is you showed your presence to that person. You made them aware that you are willing to spend time for them. Many people here around me are always busy! I just want to share with them that they can stop for a while, and create time. A time to reevaluate, reconnect, and reform the foundation of self.
Please, I urge you to create time to stop and write yourself a love letter and you will be surprised as to how much love can spring from your own self!
Under and Above the Tree of Life, We are All Connected