Hello my friends! It's been a while since my last update on the building of tiny house. The progress has been slow because of the holidays and continuous snowing and very cold temperatures. I was able to finish the ceiling and almost finish the flooring.
After removing all the ceiling, the rotten plywood, and the deteriorated insulation, I inspected the ceiling for any leaks and rotten framing. There were some leaks here and there but the framing was not rotten. I placed ten centimeters thick glass wool as insulation.
After the glass wool, I had some spare styrofoam insulation so I placed that as well under the glass wool.
After placing all the insulation, I installed a layer of waterproof sheet (vinyl sheet) so that any moisture from the inside of the room will no go into the roof and make the wood rot. The next essential point is to enable good ventilation within the room so that fresh air can enter and any excess moisture will be moving out of the room.
After the vinyl sheet is the plywood to cover everything up. I am considering of placing another layer of a ceiling material on top of the plywood to have a better interior feel but for now, this will do. Placing a 12mm plywood by yourself is no easy task. It's quite heavy and bulky and to place it properly squared makes it a difficult task. The trick I used is to find a 2 by 2 wood or any long piece of wood then use it as sort of a foot for the plywood so while fixing the position, it wouldn't fall. Then, after finding the square, simply screw it in place.
After the ceiling, I decided to work on the flooring. Usually, the next step is the walling but since the shipping container is slightly not levelled, I decided to fix the flooring first. I levelled the framing using a simple carpenter's level. I first framed the whole container, then started installing the inner frames. I used some metal straps to strengthen the floor. In between the frames, I placed ten centimeters thick glass wool insulation. Then, finally on top, I placed a plywood. Above this plywood I will place again a flooring to make the interior look better.
I'm not sure if I can finish everything by March but in this pacing, I think it's probable that I will. I have to make sure that this tiny house will be airtight so as to store all heat more efficiently and hopefully maintain a cool temperature during summer. Now, onto the walls and kitchen!