26 Feb 2017

Living every moment worthy of our existence

The days are getting warmer, the sun sheds its light longer by the day. Spring is just a few weeks away! I can feel the energy welling up from within me. All the energy accumulated during winter is now anticipating the gates of spring to open and release its living forces!

The building of the tiny house is progressing steadily, there are some small problems here and there but they are not something to get stuck on.

After placing the insulation(glass wool), I also spread a layer of vinyl to make the walls water proof. Before placing the finishing wall, I placed another layer of plywood. Let me state again that I am no pro! I am simply doing things by following a book and thinking by myself.

I am now working on the bunk beds and the dining area. I will create a separate post for those parts.

While I was progressing on my tiny house, during the silent nights and the breaks during work, I experience moments where I cannot express anything in words. I am simply filled with deep satisfaction of experiencing life as I am experiencing it. There is no deep philosophising of life, society, culture or anything. I am simply happy, well, and satisfied with what I am experiencing. It was as if I was embraced in the bosom of nature and felt no agitation or any negative feelings or thoughts. It has been a while since I experienced this and feeling it again gave me a little more boost to build my kin's domain. Recently, there were turbulences within me that I cannot divulge here but the silence brought me messages that can only be felt, not heard. I felt again that our Creator made this world originally so that we can experience Co-creation and Joy- simple as that. Our dogmas and philosophising are not needed as long as we are connected to the Oneness with the Creator. I thought that Life, as we thought we knew it, is not something that should be given too much hard thinking if we can only feel what the Creator is calling us to do. Simply Co-create and live in Joy. Co-creation means giving birth to a fully-fledged human in a space created with pure Love and out of this creation, Joy is felt by all that perceives it. Live in paradise as what the Divine dream wished for us. No matter where we are in our lives right now, be Joyful, try to focus your attention on what brings happiness to you and to others. This is an important first step to our liberation. You don't have to have a specific plan on what you are going to do in life, as long as you carry the strong foundation on what your purpose is, your specific mission in life will unfold naturally.

From overthinking and too much contemplation, I now feel that I am leading towards simply enjoying what I am experiencing. Live every moment joyfully, with high spirits, as how our Parent-Creator dreams for us to live. I encountered the Hawaiian word "Aloha", and the historian Serge Kahili King describes its meaning as a "...joyful sharing of life energy in the present". May we emit this energy in our everyday lives amidst the chaos and troubles. May our lives be the proof that there is Joy, Goodness, and Love in this world and all it takes is a confident step towards the bosom of Nature. May you be filled and overflow with life force so that those around you can receive it and share it. May the nutriments that go inside our bodies be helpful in preserving and improving our bodies and not lead us to hastened decay. Lastly, may you be blessed with an extra strength to defy the dark forces tempting to lead you astray again. 

I may not be able to post another one for a while now. I am giving less time online and more time on those presently around me. I will be back with better posts and I am hoping to start a youtube channel where I will share the events in the family domain.


Love and Peace,


The Sun is roaring with gentle rays as the promises of spring arrives.